
DocketHUB offers the complete end to end scanning solution enabling you to track and trace all mail items in real time throughout the mailing life cycle. The applications are compatible with barcode scan readers and easy to configure. Once installation has taken place the application is ready to be used with minimal fuss or training.

Bags and trays are identified by a unique barcode. By using the scanning solution you are able to monitor the status of each container at each stage of the production process thus showing when items have been enclosed and dispatched. The scan information is uploaded in real time onto DocketHUB giving you live and accurate data on the whereabouts of each bag or tray within the production process.

This crucial information enables clients to observe the efficiency of the production process and manage the effect on recipients accordingly. Mailing houses can oversee the production floor more effectively by minimising resource and maximising output. Carriers are also able to utilise live scan information to allocate the appropriate vehicle for collections and therefore benefit from an enhanced fleet management programme. All users benefit from the addition that live scan information offers by being able to ascertain room for improvement across all areas of production, identify time critical points and manage peak loads on resource.

  • Facilitates containerised item tracking.
  • Quality assurance allowing auditability.
  • Productivity monitoring.
  • Improves shipping visibility.
  • Monitor fulfillment tracking across multiple sites.
  • Real time management information.
  • Control and produce an accurate manifest.

DocketHub allows you to simple track mail through your network

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